HomeWomen and GirlsHamid karzai, I once again emphasize the opening of the doors of...

Hamid karzai, I once again emphasize the opening of the doors of schools and universities to Afghan girls

Afghanistan News24: Former president Hamid Karzai wrote on his X, February 11th has been named the “International Day of Women and Girls in Science” and is celebrated every year to express the necessity and importance of equal access and participation of women and girls with men in various scientific fields.

He added, The participation of women and girls in scientific fields, along with men and boys, is considered the first condition for the progress and advancement of a country, and the availability of a society of scientific and specialized human resources, both women and men, is a factor in liberation from external needs and the first step towards self-sufficiency.

While commemorating this day, for the sake of a self-sufficient and advanced Afghanistan, I once again emphasize the opening of the doors of schools and universities to girls, which is the desire of every countryman.



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